This cd cover design illustration is for a british rock band's album release. They requested a concept that was eye catching but not too cliche when playing off the words of "order of voices" to not have an abvious row of mouths singing- but instead they wanted me to come up with a concept that subtley reflect the band name and embodied the essence of the musical sound. I came up with this concept after brainstorming for a few days and reflecting on the band name, the design had to have a series of something- weather it be flowers, clouds, cars, rocks, etc... whatever is was- it had to reflect the word "order" and voices is pretty much a give because it's a cd cover so this word isn't as essential, I also wanted to reflect the regal and contrasting grunge style of the music. The concept is of a face/mask being lifted from the earth's mountains by some mysteries force in the sky prying it off the dirt with a series of ropes and strings- the background displays the results of this unearthing, which is the parachute floating masks in the background of different people above the landscape of green mountians. The logo/typography was also considered- i wanted to come up with a font style that was fitting of the artwork but not too grungey while retaining some classical features. The client was pretty happy with the finished results. I used a combination of software from adobe creative suite cs4 to create this piece.