This is the cd package design for a DJ mixtape (I know it's a cd and not a tape- but strangely that's still the terminology used today). Anyway, the artist dj didn't have any photo's he wanted incorporated into the design so he asked me to come up with a character that could represent his music. The mix-tape consists of hip hop music, r&b, rap, etc... The beats are actually quite good- I enjoyed them. He had a bunch of text files he gave to incorporate into the design, such as- the track list, production credits, thank you's, etc. He just gave them to me in a word file, and I placed them into the design. I also added the copyright info and FBI anti-piracy logo, along with the barcode, this all helps in establishing the professionalism the client wanted to portray in his album release. BLee is a very talented DJ and beat maker- I'm sure he'll be going place real soon- and hopefully he'll remember who his graphic designer is.